What does Praesidium Accreditation Mean for My Y?

Measuring the effectiveness of prevention programs presents obvious challenges, particularly when the event to be reduced occurs infrequently but with profound intensity, such as on-the-job serious injuries or even deaths, or child sexual abuse in organizations. The ultimate outcome, a decrease in frequency or a non-event, can take years to demonstrate or require very large comparison groups with one using the intervention and one not.  Given the difficulties to quantify, there are still clear benefits to Accreditation that are supported by qualitative and quantitative research.   


Impact on Preventing Abuse


Increasing Healing for Survivors


Protect Your Mission and Reduce Liability


Favorable Insurance Coverage


Verification of Abuse Prevention Practices

The Feedback Speaks for Itself!

We surveyed a number of organizations on their experience with the Praesidium Accreditation process, and here's what they said:

100% of the Organizations Surveyed...

  • Agree that the Praesidium Accreditation process allows them to better understand gaps in their abuse prevention systems and address them.
  • Agree that the Praesidium Accreditation process has allowed them to strengthen their abuse prevention efforts.
  • Agree that Praesidium Accreditation helps them fulfill their mission within their community.

92% of the

Organizations Surveyed...

  • Agree that by completing the Praesidium Accreditation process, employees are more likely to report concerns, policy violations, and red-flag behaviors.
  • Agree that by completing the Praesidium Accrediation process, leadership is better equipped to respond to incidents or allegations.
  • Agree that by completing the Praesidium Accrediation process, employees are better equipped to respond to incidents or allegations.

Organizations Felt the Biggest Benefits of Accreditation Were...

  • "Being accredited demonstrates to our staff, members, and community that we truly stand behind preventing abuse."
  • "Ensures that we have policies, procedures, and systems in place."
  • "The community can feel comfort in knowing their youth will be protected."
  • "Peace of mind."
  • "Good for Marketing."
  • "We can ensure we are doing everything in our power to protect children from abuse."
  • "We took many things from we think are happening to, we know are happening."

What Does it Take?

Praesidium Accreditation does not just ensure that your Y meets the highest standards in abuse prevention; it also helps your Y maintain a sustained culture of safety. In short, you’ll want to ensure that the time, hard work, and resources your team invests in the Praesidium Accreditation process results in lasting change that will continue to protect your Mission for years to come.

  • Voice from the Top: Support from leadership and stakeholders
  • Commitment: Support from the organization's staff
  • Youth Protection Committee: to help lead and oversee the Accreditation process

What is the Process?

PHASE 01: Implementation



Site Visit Preparation

Approximately 7 Months

PHASE 02: Verification

Site Visit


Corrective Action

Approximately 5 Months

PHASE 03: Accreditation


Maintaining Accreditation


What You Can Expect

Praesidium spent two years piloting Accreditation with Ys to customize and refine the process. Ys that go through Accreditation in 2024, will benefit from what was learned.

Y staff that have gone through the process will be apart of the cohort process to help guide their Y peers, as well as a dedicated Praesidium Consultant.

Onsite visits are approached as a Partnership, not a test. This process allows your Y time to address any issues collaboratively after the visit.

Upcoming Cohorts

Apply Today to Join a Cohort and Reserve Your Spot!

Only 100 Y's can go through the process, and spots fill up quickly. The Praesidium Accreditation roll-out will be broken into cohorts:

  • Cohort 7 - Begins August 2024 FULL
  • Cohort 8 - Begins October 2024 ALMOST FULL!
  • Cohort 9 - Begins January 2025
  • Cohort 10 - Begins March 2025
  • Cohort 11 - Begins August 2025
  • Cohort 12 - Begins October 2025

What Others Are Saying

YMCA of the Pines

"Knowing that we've got an industry leader saying this is the best way to handle this situation, and that's how we're going to handle it, gives you more confidence in teaching others about that policy and learning it and understanding it yourself and then in implementing it.


Chief Operating Officer

YMCA of Central Ohio

"Parents need to be able to trust that when they come to the Y and when they bring their children to the Y, they're going to be safe in our care."


YMCA Vice President of People and Culture

YMCA of Central New York

"This accreditation will allow our organization to provide sources, tools, and training within our community. Education is key to prevention. The more we can share information, the better the difference we can make in the lives of youth.”


Interim Executive Director and

Association Director of Compliance & Safety

In the News